Monday, May 25, 2009

Still got it!

Today while I was driving, some guys in a car waved, smiled and honked the horn at me. It was a bit shocking since I haven't had random guys flirt with me since way back when flirting was my only means of communicating with the opposite gender.

I flashed a cheesy smile which I'm sure made their day. If they have to resort to flirting while driving then I'm pretty sure any form of reaction would make them feel pretty good about themselves.

What made me giggle more than the attention was the fact that they couldn't see my wedding band or the bulge that is my 7-month-pregnant belly. HA! If only they knew.

When was the last time someone flirted with you? Were you flattered or just creeped out?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Pregnancy Discrimination.

It exists. And I hate it.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was finishing up school and doing my student teaching. Student teaching is by far one of the worst experiences anyone ever has to go through, in my personal opinion at least. I did not get along with my cooperating teacher and communication was dismal. So when my supervisor from the college wrote on my letter of recommendation all the wonderful things I did in the classroom, you can imagine my surprise when he went on to blame the dysfunctional relationship between the cooperating teacher and me on, what else? Pregnancy. Shock, utter shock. How can one (or two or three in my case) be so narrow minded and flat out stupid? I was appalled and of course nothing was done about it, even though I complained. Heck, he even spelled my name wrong.

So why am I bringing this up? Because the sensitive nerve that was afflicted many years ago was hurt again today. I called my health insurance provider because I was confused about 2 bills I received and a claim summary. I thought the claim summary went along with the bill and didn't know why I received a second bill. I thought the bill was paid for and take care of. Also, it didn't add up that the claim summary was not the same amount as the bill. If all that was confusing for you to read then you can imagine my state of mind. The lady on the phone was able to clear up the simple matter and let me know the bill was still pending (which is why I received another bill from the DR) and the claim summary was for lab work done on a wart. I have been to a doctor about 1,000 times in the last 10 years for my wart and no one has ever taken a biopsy -- until a month ago. I forgot about that lab work.

So all in all it was a simple misunderstanding on my part and I was grateful to have it cleared up. Perhaps the woman on the line didn't want me to feel stupid or embarrassed so she offered this explanation, "Oh, you are pregnant." Excuse me? I wanted to say. I have been alive for 314 months and have only been pregnant for 15. And let me tell you...I have made A LOT of dumb mistakes. So please, please, please, do not blame my silly error on the MIRACLE that is happening in my body.