Monday, July 20, 2009

My husband was right

My husband is right about lots of things but this one in particular I want to point out.

A few months ago, My Hero suggested the purchase of a GPS unit for the car. "Ugh" I balked. "Can't we just go on Google maps and scratch down the directions on the back of a receipt in purple ink? That would save a lot of money."

We did buy the GPS unit and it has become my best friend. I especially enjoyed it's friendship today when I drove into Baltimore for the first time. So many streets, so many jay-walkers, but that little voice kept me focused. On the way home I had to detour because of construction and she just figured out a different way. Oh how she makes life so peaceful and secure.

I really am so grateful for that little piece of technology and I am grateful for My Hero for being so right!

What about you? What piece of technology do you love right now? Do you love it or secretly hate it if your hubby is right?


Kara and Chant said...

I'm loving my digital camera. We got a new one a few months ago and I still can't get over how great it is. We still do the Mapquest thing too, but I am sure at some point we will cave and get GPS. Are you liking life in your new neck of the woods?

Mandi said...

We love our GPS, too. We've lovingly nicknamed her Garminta. She's been a lifesaver on trips and even around town.

Dasha said...

My deal with the GPS is becoming too dependent on it and never really learning the area, but that actually hasn't been the case. I love it and wonder what took us so long to get it.

Amanda said...

Ummm, hello. My DVR. I went without it for 6 months and when I got it back I felt like I got my life back! How sad is that?!

Halsey said...

Love my new cell phone. It's so nice to call my hubby for free! About my husband being right...hmmmm...doesn't happen very often. JUST KIDDING. I don't mind it at all. He is just so much better at certain things than I am that it figures he's right half of the time!

Stacy said...

Oooooh, I love DVR, too. I'm going through withdrawals but finding more time for reading, yardwork, and blogging! I love the GPS but we live where there are a lot of new neighborhoods that are not on its system, so I still get lost a lot...