Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Does this suit you?

I just learned about this new phone on Momformation. It helps you manage your time and activities. It's a phone, planner, checks email and plays music.
What I'm wondering is how long it would take to type in all that information on the tiny keys. What's wrong with a free calendar on the wall and *hopefully* a pen nearby? Are planners and notebooks a thing of the past? My Hero and I recently were talking about how technology (at least the Internet) can be total time-zappers.
What do you think? Would this new phone waste more time or help simplify life? Would it become a distraction or bring order to a busy life?


Kara and Chant said...

I'm a visual person. I like to be able to see my entire week at a glance. I much prefer the calendar and pens and notepads that are laying all over my house. It works for me. Besides, I don't even know how to send a text message!

Emily said...

I am so retarded when it comes to anything with small keys, so I agree with you. For me, the phone would be a huge waste of time, especially since if I ever did set my life up with it, it would probably be a huge waste once I lost it. Technology is definitely both good and bad. Still, I am a fan.

Erin said...

I think for some people that thing would work but I don't think I'd enjoy using it. I prefer the wall calendar and pen/paper to have my schedule of events marked out. I like to use a phone just for talking. And I like to use my computer to check email/blog. So, I guess maybe that doesn't sound very convenient to have 3 different ways of doing all those things when you could get it all done with one device. But I prefer if I'm using the computer to do email or what not to sit down and have a real keyboard to type on and not have to take twice as long to write everything out on a small keyboard that you can only use one finger on. But who knows, maybe in a few years that will be what everyone is using. Look how far we've come in the last few years with technology and all gadgets and gizmos we have available. So, I guess we can never say never. But for now, it doesn't seem appealing to me.

Krystal said...

My phone is similar to this one. I love having my plans with me wherever I go and I always have my phone but never got used to carrying a day planner with me. I have a wall calandar at home but I also program things into my phone so I don't forget appointments and such when I'm out and about. I love having the timer go off, reminding me I have to be somewhere in 30 minutes or so. It's the perfect way for me to get to places on time with a crazy-busy life as a mom. Yay for technology! As for those keys: you get used to them really quick! I say, not time consuming at all. I think it's a lifesaver! =)

Jessica said...

I used to be really dependant on my phone. To the point that I couldn't do anything unless it was in my hand or safely in my pocket. I couldn't go anywhere without knowing that I wouldn't miss a call or a text. I hated that feeling. Luckily, I've been rehabilitated and am proud to say that I only use my cell phone when it's absolutely neccesary. It's usually off until I need to use it. I have to do this because otherwise it would take up all my time. A phone like that would only turn me into a cell-phone addicted zombie again.

Mandi said...

I have a BlackBerry that does all of those things, and I absolutely love it. I used to be a huge fan of my paper planner, but I was forever misplacing my phone. Now that they're all in one place, it's so much easier to keep track of everything. We still have a wall calendar that I use to keep track of my husband and son's appointments, but my phone is where it's at. There was a learning curve to use the full keyboard and smaller keys, but now I'm quite proficient.

Stacy said...

I like my big wall calendar and pen. I think the more detailed calendaring was good when I had lots of structured activities in my life i.e. college classes or work schedules and meetings. With a toddler, daily structure is man-made so I just need a place to jot down playdates and dr. appts.

The "for" comments have almost convinced me to try technology, though (pending a job for my husband and a revitalization of disposable income). As long as I allow for the learning curve, I might actually end up liking a phone like that!