Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The honeymoon is over.

I knew this would happen. I knew that things would settle down and life would get a little harder. I knew it couldn't last forever. It's true...life is getting a little dull now that I'm settling into my new life living with my parents. For the first week and a half I was busy rearranging my room buying needed things like a stroller and lamp, seeing old friends and enjoying Missy's new sleep breakthrough.

But now it is March and I feel I'm at the point where I am going to sink or swim. March 2nd was a very BLAH day. I stayed up way too late the night before and read an entire book, had nothing planned for the next day and didn't want to go out. The combination of being tired, cranky and unmotivated was very depressing. I resolved to do better the next day and so today we had a fun day at the park with dear friends, Missy had a long nap, I made dinner and cleaned it up for my parents.

I also reevaluated my goals. Initially they were vague, dreamy type goals that I never really nailed down. I have a habit of trying to be too serious and making goals that make me, for lack of a better term, a "better person." Yes, I realize that is what goals are for, but I was taking it a bit too seriously.

I decided that what I really needed to do was have FUN. Hmm....that is a new concept. It seems that somewhere between going off to college and getting married knocked some fun out of me. It is true that I have a lot of fun with My Hero, but I think the whole trying to be a grown-up thing really stressed me out.

So what is on my agenda? How shall I take on this monster of a goal? Easy. Take each week at a time, with big things to look forward to over the next three months and to not worry about spending some money. (Don't worry, sweetie, I'm still a penny-pincher at heart.)

What I am most excited about right now is taking Missy to Disney on Ice in April, hopefully braving Disneyland, enrolling her for a two-year-old ballet class at my old ballet school and visiting family and friends. I'm also taking on some voice students which will be good for me.

So there you have it. My goal is to have fun. And really, I think it is going to help me. What about you? Does fun come naturally or do you have to remind yourself every now and then?


Amanda said...

Oh Amy. Hang in there! I too had a honeymoon period right after Jonny left and then seriously felt depressed for about a month. Hopefully for you it will be shorter! Email me anytime - not that I have any wisdom for you, but if you need to vent I am here!

Kara and Chant said...

Thanks for the reminder! Sometimes I stress myself out with the day to day and forget to relax. I hope you see a positive change and hopefully so will I. Good luck!

Ashley Wray said...

I'm kind of embarassed that I do have to remind myself sometimes to have fun. We'll get stuck in a rut (especially in the winter) and I have to really kick myself to do something fun and different for the girls! Sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned though!

Erin said...

Sounds like a good plan! I'm glad you found some fun goals to look forward to and boost your spirits! That's great you are going to take on some voice students, and how sweet and fun to put Lilia in ballet where you use to go. I think I forget to have fun alot of times. I take life to serious. I need to remember to have more fun and loosen up myself. I look forward to seeing you in June at the reunion!

Dasha said...

oh i wish i could take voice lessons from you. glad to hear that you have to many things planned. it's always good to plan and have things you want to do. to have stuff to look forward to. well at least for me. i've already begun to plan stuff for this summer. i just know it's going to be crazy with spencer home everyday and stuart gone a lot. how is your hero doing in class? i hope all is well with him.

Halsey said...

Oh, honey! It is so refreshing to read the way you put the after-honeymoon stage. I've definitely had to remind myself to make an effort to feel happy. I think having fun is a great idea. I've also discovered that if I can just keep busy doing things that make up "me" then I am happier. Feeling like I'm productive is a big deal. I like to be a little artsy, a little music-ey, and teach. Teaching is definitely refreshing. I'm excited for your voice students! They will be lucky indeed.