Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Redefining "me" time

We've all heard it. We all need "me" time. Lately, I've been feeling a bit low and wondered what I should do to perk myself up. I try to think of "extra" things I could do to feel better, but start to feel overwhelmed.

Yesterday, I felt complete bliss as I peeled a pomegranate while my baby slept peacefully and my daughter happily played "Diego/animal in trouble" at my feet. I had a goal. My mind was focused on getting all those ruby red seeds out without splattering my clothes and I felt so much anticipation for a treat that would be entirely mine since no other member of the family cared about those delicious morsels.

Then, it hit me. This is "me" time.

My Hero is in a Tuesday night bowling league, which basically leaves me to take care of the kids all day. I try my best to be supportive and manage to squeak out, "Have fun" after he has only been home for an hour. Of course he senses my begrudging attitude and wants me to have fun too. Today he called me before he came home and asked what I wanted to do. He suggested that I go out and do something fun like a movie or something. I toyed with the idea of a haircut and maybe new shoes, but was completely amazed at my response. I told him, "Honey, all I want is a nap, a shower, and a clean house."

Yep. That is what "me" time is all about these days. It's not about "getting ahead." It's about "catching up."

How do you get your "me" time?


Kara and Chant said...

I used to feel that way, and still do. It is hard to want to do anything else when the house is a mess. But I have a strict "no-housework-while-my-children-are-napping" policy. That is when I do things like scrapbooking, writing in my journal, or reading. Then when the kids wake up I am better able to cope because I have done something I enjoyed, not just something that had to be done. I think it is important to remember that even though we are mothers and wives, we are still individuals and we need to do things that are strictly for us every once in a while.

Erin said...
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Erin said...

It is definitely refreshing to get some "me" time. It always helps. Keep getting your me time! I wanted to ask, what is the game "Diego animal in trouble" that Missy was playing? Kenner has been into Diego lately and my mom was wanting some gift ideas for Christmas. So, I wondered if that was a game maybe she could get? Thanks! Glad to be hearing a bit more from you on your blogs!!

姿能林 said...
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