Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Redefining "me" time

We've all heard it. We all need "me" time. Lately, I've been feeling a bit low and wondered what I should do to perk myself up. I try to think of "extra" things I could do to feel better, but start to feel overwhelmed.

Yesterday, I felt complete bliss as I peeled a pomegranate while my baby slept peacefully and my daughter happily played "Diego/animal in trouble" at my feet. I had a goal. My mind was focused on getting all those ruby red seeds out without splattering my clothes and I felt so much anticipation for a treat that would be entirely mine since no other member of the family cared about those delicious morsels.

Then, it hit me. This is "me" time.

My Hero is in a Tuesday night bowling league, which basically leaves me to take care of the kids all day. I try my best to be supportive and manage to squeak out, "Have fun" after he has only been home for an hour. Of course he senses my begrudging attitude and wants me to have fun too. Today he called me before he came home and asked what I wanted to do. He suggested that I go out and do something fun like a movie or something. I toyed with the idea of a haircut and maybe new shoes, but was completely amazed at my response. I told him, "Honey, all I want is a nap, a shower, and a clean house."

Yep. That is what "me" time is all about these days. It's not about "getting ahead." It's about "catching up."

How do you get your "me" time?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Quite possibly my favorite compliment

We all struggle. We are all trying to get through the day the best way we can. And sometimes we feel like we are coming up short. The dishes don't always get done, every item isn't in its place, the kids seem to be more cranky than happy and dinner looks more like breakfast (eggs anyone?)

Because we all struggle, we all need a lift.

Today, I dropped Missy off at a friend's house and my little guy and I went to the dentist. After the hygienist cleaned my teeth the dentist walked in and asked, "How old is your baby?" "2.5 months," I said. I thought she would mention how big he is so I was surprised when she said, "You look great." I blushed. What exactly does that mean? Oh well, I'll just make up something in my mind like she thinks my abs are rock solid and my hips aren't the size of the grand canyon.

The best part of the compliment came when she said, "You look like you have live-in help." Whoa. She thinks I have my act together? She thinks my house is clean? She thinks all my meals are healthy? She thinks I know how I'm going to get the YW mutual activity ready by Wednesday, get to a baby shower Thursday and have a talk ready by Sunday all while keeping a 2.5 year-old-non-napping-preschooler and a 2.5 month old baby fed, entertained and cared for?


So yeah, we all need compliments and that definitely gave me a boost.

What has been your favorite compliment as of late?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I thought I was unfulfilled

Tonight after a pretty blah day of just trying to keep up with the house and kids plus a big bedtime blow-up with my daughter, I asked my husband if my life was fulfilling. Of course he told me I needed to decide that for myself. I told him that I felt like life was moving on without me.

Then...I met Abby on the TV show "The Biggest Loser." She lost her husband, daughter and baby boy in a car accident. After hearing her story, I sobbed. I realized how much I love my family and how important they are to me.

So even though day-to-day life isn't terribly interesting and I feel like I'm just keeping my head above water, I'm doing it because I love them.

How has motherhood been treating you lately?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Quit

Today is the eve of my due date, so I decided to quit life for a little bit. I've had contractions all day and I feel a little stretched. I decided I don't need to be as physical as I have been lately. Not that I've been working from it. But I have been out shopping, hauling boxes up and down stairs and setting up house. Today I should have gone in to get the car fixed but fortunately, they didn't have the part yet. Good thing because I think I just need a break. I watched a movie last night and will hopefully find something good tonight. I had My Hero help with dinner and clean-up AND Missy's bath time. Ahhhhhhhhhh. I feel like I'm really getting the night off. I usually feel bad when I have My Hero help out after he's had a long day but since I'll be spending a few days and nights in the hospital I want him and Missy to get used to each other.

I'm thinking...if I'm ever pregnant again I do not want to move, fly, have hubby away, or be enrolled in a class. I want to live in one place and just wait.

Yep...I quit. And it feels pretty good. :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I will not.

I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my duaghter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.
I will not take my daughter shopping during nap time.

There. I think I learned my lesson.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Life of the "New Girl"

It's sad to be the new girl and have no one notice your new haircut. Oh well. I guess I'll just get used to it.

Do you like being new or do you hate it?

Monday, July 20, 2009

My husband was right

My husband is right about lots of things but this one in particular I want to point out.

A few months ago, My Hero suggested the purchase of a GPS unit for the car. "Ugh" I balked. "Can't we just go on Google maps and scratch down the directions on the back of a receipt in purple ink? That would save a lot of money."

We did buy the GPS unit and it has become my best friend. I especially enjoyed it's friendship today when I drove into Baltimore for the first time. So many streets, so many jay-walkers, but that little voice kept me focused. On the way home I had to detour because of construction and she just figured out a different way. Oh how she makes life so peaceful and secure.

I really am so grateful for that little piece of technology and I am grateful for My Hero for being so right!

What about you? What piece of technology do you love right now? Do you love it or secretly hate it if your hubby is right?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Equation in my Mind

My feelings of worth, when it comes to motherhood, waver from time to time. During some moments I feel like nothing is more important than what I am doing, and other times I feel like I'm at the bottom of the food chain.

For the past few weeks I've definitely been low. Moving across the country and not having a home for a week and now waiting for "things" in an empty house has added to feelings of inadequacy. "What is it that I do again?" I ask myself. What makes it even harder is the fact My Hero is making the most amount of money than he ever has in our 5 years of marriage. Good, yes, I'm not complaining. It's just that I compare myself in a big way. We have been going out and making big purchases for our home and family and I can't help but feel that he is more important because he makes the money. The equation in my mind goes like this: Making Money=Important, I don't make money=I'm not important.

Fortunately, after hitting a low there is no where to go but up! This morning Missy was helping me make breakfast (her new favorite task). I said, "Ok, let's make eggs." "Pan," she says, and heads to find the pan. Then I got her up on the counter to help. "Butter," she says. Then, "Cook" then "Careful." I couldn't believe all the words that were coming out of her mouth and I suddenly realized that she learned them all from me.

Later, we sat down in our camping chairs and upside down diaper box to enjoy our breakfast together and for the first time I asked, "Missy would you say the prayer?" "K" she says and puts down her juice. She folds her arms and brings them up to cover her eyes and begins, "Heavenly Father, mumble mumble, Food...Eggs...Amen!"

So, I may not be able to buy a car but I teach my little one how to speak, and I'm not able to buy new furniture but I teach my daughter to pray. It makes me realize how perfect the Lord's plan is to have a husband who can provide and a mother who can nurture. I guess I'm not at the bottom of the food chain after all.

What about you? How have you been feeling lately?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Still got it!

Today while I was driving, some guys in a car waved, smiled and honked the horn at me. It was a bit shocking since I haven't had random guys flirt with me since way back when flirting was my only means of communicating with the opposite gender.

I flashed a cheesy smile which I'm sure made their day. If they have to resort to flirting while driving then I'm pretty sure any form of reaction would make them feel pretty good about themselves.

What made me giggle more than the attention was the fact that they couldn't see my wedding band or the bulge that is my 7-month-pregnant belly. HA! If only they knew.

When was the last time someone flirted with you? Were you flattered or just creeped out?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Pregnancy Discrimination.

It exists. And I hate it.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was finishing up school and doing my student teaching. Student teaching is by far one of the worst experiences anyone ever has to go through, in my personal opinion at least. I did not get along with my cooperating teacher and communication was dismal. So when my supervisor from the college wrote on my letter of recommendation all the wonderful things I did in the classroom, you can imagine my surprise when he went on to blame the dysfunctional relationship between the cooperating teacher and me on, what else? Pregnancy. Shock, utter shock. How can one (or two or three in my case) be so narrow minded and flat out stupid? I was appalled and of course nothing was done about it, even though I complained. Heck, he even spelled my name wrong.

So why am I bringing this up? Because the sensitive nerve that was afflicted many years ago was hurt again today. I called my health insurance provider because I was confused about 2 bills I received and a claim summary. I thought the claim summary went along with the bill and didn't know why I received a second bill. I thought the bill was paid for and take care of. Also, it didn't add up that the claim summary was not the same amount as the bill. If all that was confusing for you to read then you can imagine my state of mind. The lady on the phone was able to clear up the simple matter and let me know the bill was still pending (which is why I received another bill from the DR) and the claim summary was for lab work done on a wart. I have been to a doctor about 1,000 times in the last 10 years for my wart and no one has ever taken a biopsy -- until a month ago. I forgot about that lab work.

So all in all it was a simple misunderstanding on my part and I was grateful to have it cleared up. Perhaps the woman on the line didn't want me to feel stupid or embarrassed so she offered this explanation, "Oh, you are pregnant." Excuse me? I wanted to say. I have been alive for 314 months and have only been pregnant for 15. And let me tell you...I have made A LOT of dumb mistakes. So please, please, please, do not blame my silly error on the MIRACLE that is happening in my body.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Trauma for the Mama.

Imagine this. You take your child to the doctor for a well-baby check and shots. The doc pokes around at the baby and things are fine. Then he wants to give the shots and the baby starts to panic. The baby knows that getting shots are not fun. So, the baby screams, squirms and flails. "Hmm..." The doc says. "The baby is healthy and should get this polio vaccine, but I'm only going to give it to her if she lets me. Once she is sitting perfectly still and NOT crying, I will administer the life-saving vaccine."

So that isn't exactly what happened today, but here is what did happen.

I took Missy to the dentist to have her teeth cleaned. She has been once before (to a different dentist) and they made her teeth shine. Try as I may, I have to pin the poor girl down every night to scrub her teeth. I also knew that she wasn't due to for a cleaning for another month but I was willing to pay out-of-pocket to clean up her mouth. There is this one spot that builds up and I can't get it clean. As a new mom, teeth have been a source of stress and worry, next to getting her to sleep.

I even talked to My Hero and we decided that paying extra money to have her teeth cleaned was well worth it.

So we got up early this morning to make it to our 8 am appointment. Filled out the paperwork and tried to take Missy potty (which didn't work for the little fact that after our recent excursion to Sea World she does not want anything to do with big potties that flush while she is still on them). So that was a bit stressful.

Finally, we make it to the dental chair and they put on cartoons and give her a balloon. She's content. The dental assistant comes in and asks me about my concerns. I tell her about the build-up and I want to get it cleaned off. I tell her that she has been to a dentist before and I had to pin her down to get her teeth cleaned. "Oh." She says. "I will only clean her teeth if she lets me. I don't want to take it too far." Excuse me? I pin this girl down every night to brush her teeth. It may be harsh but I love this girl too much to let her teeth rot. I plead with the dental assistant, "I need to get her teeth cleaned. I have to pin her down for shots too! I'm worried about her teeth." She takes my concern lightly saying, "We don't want to traumatize her. At her age, coming to the dentist is about getting used to it."

Shocked. I'm absolutely shocked. Are two-year-old teeth any less important than adult teeth? Should I just not brush her teeth either? Do you think I enjoy having to brush her teeth every night while she screams?

The dental assistant checks her mouth and sees the yellowy-gunk I was telling her about. "Oh, I see that. It is just a stain." Just a stain?? The dentist comes in and I pin Missy down so he can look in her mouth. "Ah yes, a stain." He confirms. "You don't want to let that decay." DUH!!!!! THAT IS WHY I'M HERE!" I feel like screaming. "Well, you can go to a dentist who will do that, but we don't do that here." I told them I thought this was a pediatric dentist. "Oh, we do work on children." Ones that don't scream, they think.

So I walk out of there with no bill, thankfully, but a traumatizing experience perhaps more for me than my precious little one. What hurt so bad was trying so hard to do the right thing for my child only to have a professional tell me, "We don't want to traumatize her."

So I started to think of all the other "traumatizing" things I do to her. She cries to go to sleep some nights and for some naps. She cries because she wants to watch more T.V. She cries because she is in her car seat. She cries because I take something away. She cries because she doesn't want to get dressed. I could go on. The fact of the matter is, she doesn't always want to do something I want her to do, even if it is in her best interest. My job is to see she is taken care of.

Now, sometimes she doesn't want to get in her leotard and tights but I still make her. Is ballet essential? Of course not. But once she gets there, she likes it. If she hated it even after taking her for a month I would reconsider. Does she like getting her teeth brushed? Heck no! But wouldn't it be great if she had healthy teeth a few years down the road? Yes sirree!

Granted, there are PLENTY of things that I am relaxed about. Does she sometimes skip a bath? Yes. Did she sleep with me for her first year? Yes. Do I always wipe her hands and face after a meal? No. Does she watch T.V.? Yes. Do I always force her to get dressed? Not if we are going to hang around the house. The point is, there are plenty of things that I let go, but for really important stuff like TEETH, she will have them cleaned.

So even though I came home in tears I realized that I'm willing to fight for my daughter. I'm willing to stand up for what I think is right. I'm not just going to take what they say and be OK with it, because they are in scrubs. I am her mother and I care about her.

What about you? What do you stand up for?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The honeymoon is over.

I knew this would happen. I knew that things would settle down and life would get a little harder. I knew it couldn't last forever. It's is getting a little dull now that I'm settling into my new life living with my parents. For the first week and a half I was busy rearranging my room buying needed things like a stroller and lamp, seeing old friends and enjoying Missy's new sleep breakthrough.

But now it is March and I feel I'm at the point where I am going to sink or swim. March 2nd was a very BLAH day. I stayed up way too late the night before and read an entire book, had nothing planned for the next day and didn't want to go out. The combination of being tired, cranky and unmotivated was very depressing. I resolved to do better the next day and so today we had a fun day at the park with dear friends, Missy had a long nap, I made dinner and cleaned it up for my parents.

I also reevaluated my goals. Initially they were vague, dreamy type goals that I never really nailed down. I have a habit of trying to be too serious and making goals that make me, for lack of a better term, a "better person." Yes, I realize that is what goals are for, but I was taking it a bit too seriously.

I decided that what I really needed to do was have FUN. Hmm....that is a new concept. It seems that somewhere between going off to college and getting married knocked some fun out of me. It is true that I have a lot of fun with My Hero, but I think the whole trying to be a grown-up thing really stressed me out.

So what is on my agenda? How shall I take on this monster of a goal? Easy. Take each week at a time, with big things to look forward to over the next three months and to not worry about spending some money. (Don't worry, sweetie, I'm still a penny-pincher at heart.)

What I am most excited about right now is taking Missy to Disney on Ice in April, hopefully braving Disneyland, enrolling her for a two-year-old ballet class at my old ballet school and visiting family and friends. I'm also taking on some voice students which will be good for me.

So there you have it. My goal is to have fun. And really, I think it is going to help me. What about you? Does fun come naturally or do you have to remind yourself every now and then?

Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm an idiot.

Sometimes, I think I depend too much on my husband's brains, experience, knowledge and overall smarts. Now that we are going to spend the next 3.5 months apart while he is away for work, I'm having to "get smart." For example, I don't know how my husband knows so much about computers, but he does. Thanks to him I passed Ed Tech in college! I've always heard him say words like "ethernet" and "router" but didn't think to ask him what they meant. I figured that he knew and that was good enough.

I'm living with my parent's and trying to get my new, beautiful laptop hooked up to the world wide web, to no avail, because of a silly password that we don't have. ARG. How can this be? We bought this computer so I can use it while I am here. I emailed my computer-savvy brother who was most likely the one that set it up and he didn't have a clue what the password was. He said, "Just plug the ethernet cord into the router." Easy for him to say! My dad and I tried some cord that didn't work.

So now I am here, typing on my parent's slow, archaic, ugly, not-cool computer waiting for a call from My Hero to ask him how I can do all of that because I never cared enough to ask him about computers.

I'm also investigating the home-buying process with a hubby half-way across the country for a house completely across the country! Talk about a crash course. I think I have been going along in life thinking I know all I need to know. I'm now realizing that there is so much that I need to know and understand. It's humbling, but at the same time exciting to think that I can get familiar with something that seems overwhelming.

What about you? Do you depend on your hubby for certain things? What is the one thing that would be the hardest for you if your husband was gone for an extended period of time?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Do you know how important you are?

I attend the Marriage and Family class at church for Sunday school and the following quotes left an impression on me. I hope it helps you see how important you are!

"I don't remember much about her views of voting nor her social prestige; and what her ideas on child training, diet, and eugenics were, I cannot recall. The main thing that sifts back to me now through the thick undergrowth of years is that she loved me. She liked to lie on the grass with me and tell stories, or to run and hide with us children. She was always hugging me. and I liked it. She had a sunny face. To me it was like God, and all the beatitudes saints tell of Him. And sing! Of all the sensations pleasurable to my life nothing can compare with the rapture of crawling up into her lap and going to sleep while she swung to and fro in her rocking chair and sang. Thinking of this I wonder if the woman of today, with all her tremendous notions and plans, realizes what an almighty factor she is in shaping of her child for weal or woe. I wonder if she realizes how much sheer love and attention count for in a child's life" (Marriage and Family relations study guide, p. 47).

I used to feel that my husband's job and work was more important than mine. This made me feel like I wasn't worth much and that my job wasn't as important, but this quote from Pres. Ezra Taft Benson helps me understand my true worth:
"'Women have claim on their husbands for their maintenance, until their husbands are taken' (D&C 83:2). This is the divine right of a wife and mother. While she cares for and nourishes her children at home, her husband earns the living for the family, which makes this nourishing possible" (Marriage and Family relations study guide, p. 39).

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Kicked Out

I got kicked out of bed this morning. No, my husband and I are not fighting; my daughter kicked me out. You see, every morning around 5 or 6 she cries and I bring her into bed with me. Then I get her a bottle and we sleep until 8 or 9. When I tried to squeeze back into bed, she squealed and flailed her legs. Sheesh. Thanks a lot. I tried again. Not happening. I'm awake enough so I decide to, what else? catch up on some blogs. How I love blogs. Nothing like being one click away from not feeling lonely or bored.

So this week I'd like to talk about having a second baby, since that is on my mind and I'd love to hear your perspectives. Honestly, I think it is weird to be pregnant again. I don't think it is common to feel that way, but I do. To me, it seems like my insides are a warzone after the first, how can it possibly be cleaned up in there and ready for a second? Also, how in the world is my body able to have another? Didn't my first baby sap enough from my bones? And last of all, how can I have another full-time job, when I already have one? I don't have the fear of not being able to love the second as much as the first because I'm too busy worrying about all of my other weird fears.

I'm finding though that there are some perks the second time around. First of all, I'm not as fearful. I know everything will be fine and I know what I'm getting myself into. The first time around, I was definitely excited but didn't have a clue. This time around, I know about all the hard things that are coming up, but for some reason all the good is overshadowing it. For example, at my first ultrasound for Missy I thought to myself, That doesn't look like a baby. Second time around, I cried. I knew what that little image had the potential to be and I felt so lucky and blessed to have another.

It truly is marvelous to be a mother and I'm grateful to be a woman. My life's work is to be around beautiful children of God and to think of others before myself. I can't wait to see where mothering will take me in 20 years.

What was being pregnant the second time around like for you? Did you have any fears? What is it like to have two or more running around now? What brings you the most joy as a mother?

Friday, January 23, 2009

What exactly is choice?

I received the following email today from a friend:

FOCA would establish the right to abortion as a fundamental right (like the right to free speech) and wipe away every restriction on abortion nationwide. It will allow all types of abortions including partial birth abortions, also allowing babies who are born alive due to botched up late term abortions to be set aside without any medical care or nourishment and left to die. They are murdered in the most cruel and inhuman way. This Bill will also make it mandatory for doctors and nurses to perform this act even if they do not want to do so. This act also allows under age teens to have an abortion, even partial birth abortions, without parental consent.
It will eradicate state and federal abortion laws that the majority of Americans support and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future.
Please let your family and friends know about this Bill and ask them to also sign this petition. Even those who voted for Obama would not want him to sign this Bill. Please click on the web site below. It will take less than a minute of your time, doesn't cost anything and God will bless you for standing up for Him and His teachings.
Please read the expert analysis by Americans United for Life (AUL) and sign the Fight FOCA petition at
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing"

What do you think? Do you think choice should start before conception or is there still time to decide once a baby is on the way? This is a tough issue. Where do you stand?

Friday, January 16, 2009

"My life is boring..." and other things I've come to terms with.

"My Life is Boring."
Yesterday, my head was spinning. I was trying to think of something fun that Missy and I could do. Maybe we could go to the park or the library. Then reality set in. I don't have the car but I do have a messy house. No fun for us. As I thought about the things I desperately needed to get done like the laundry and scrub the bathroom I realized that these chores are what make up a big part of my life. This lightbulb moment was weird. I finally accepted the fact that my life is boring and felt content about it. I do enjoy a clean house but I think I've fought it during this past year. I couldn't accept that cleaning was my major job. I wanted to do other things. Now though, I'm happy when I think of myself as a cleaner. I can do this.

"I Could Have a Boy."
Two days in a row at the park I witnessed boys playing with swords and shields and I literally shuttered. "I don't know if I'm up for that" I thought. Then a sweet peace came over me when I realized that the Lord will give me what I can handle. I told this to my husband that night over dinner and he commented that that could mean having a boy. I told him I knew that, but that my boy could be sweet (disclaimer: boys who play with swords are sweet, I'm talking in big generalities here.) Then my darling husband replied in a voice so gentle and sincere, "Of course he'll be sweet, because that is how he'll be treated." I told him that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Today we went to the park and My Hero ran around with our adorable neighbor boy. Once I could see it and imagine more clearly I realized that having a boy would be so wonderful. My Hero looked awfully cute with a little sidekick.

"I'm Experiencing a Conflict of Interest"
This week hasn't been my best. My "nesting" instinct is in full force and all I want to do is get my house sparkly, but my best intentions are being thwarted by that silly need to get lots of rest in the first trimester. Not only does my body crave more sleep, the thought of being unconscious is more appealing than being awake with that incessant nausea. I feel really bad when I know I can get much more done, but my bed is calling me. So I let it go, I don't finish everything I should, but I love being a happy mommy. I hate Grouchy Mommy Syndrome.

"Let it go, Amy, let it go."
I've been telling myself this lately. I'm trying to not let things bother me. I had to work a little extra hard today. An unexpected doorbell ring came this morning. I nervously went to the door wondering who it could be. I was delighted to look through the peep-hole and recognize the man in uniform was from the Orkin pest control company. I swung open the door, flashed a big smile and said, "Hi! How are you?" You see, I've had ant trouble for the past week and needed his help desperately. Maybe he was caught off guard by my exuberance or friendliness. The next thing out of his mouth was, "Have we met before?" " I don't think so." I mumbled, thinking this wasn't the type of professional conversation I was expecting. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable so I probably stammered a little bit more. He solved the confusion by thoughtfully saying, "Oh, you housewives all look alike." I wish I had a picture of my expression. Jaw dropped, gasping for air, shocked at being summed up and called a housewife? I never thought of myself that way. While we talked business about the ants I kept telling myself, "Let it go, Amy, let it go." Ohhh, how I struggled. Good thing My Hero had the day off because I immediately reported the offense, laughed a little, and realized that I can't help what other people say but I can quickly forgive and not build up a wall.

"Extreme Emotions"
Nothing makes me happier than the opening credits of "The Office" and nothing makes me more sad than the end.

So there you have it. 5 simple things I'm learning along the way. What have you accepted and come to terms with lately?

Friday, January 9, 2009

A new year, a new me.

As I think about ALL the things I'd like to do differently this year, a few really jump out. My initial New Year's resolutions are to keep up on the housework, cook healthier meals and scrapbook my blog before February. Ok, that is a good plan...but what can I work on in between all of that? Plenty. But for starters I'd like to give myself the gift of the present. Yes, you read that right. I would like to live more of my life in the present. I love to daydream but I don't want to dream my life away. This year brings lots of changes; two moves and a baby. What is challenging for me right now is not knowing where we are moving and not knowing the gender of the baby. ARGH! I can't sit still. So to live in the present here is what I will do. Enjoy every single moment I have with blue skies, pine trees and ocean. Also, enjoy my body the way it is right now and be glad that I'm 7 months away from a huge belly, recovering from labor, and more sleepless nights than we already have. Life is always going to be fun and hard. The trick for me is to enjoy all of it while it happens and wait for what is next.

What about you? What are your biggest goals for 2009?

P.S. Ok so I was just reading a blog that had a great idea. Enough of resolutions. What do you do well as a parent? What do you pat yourself on the back for? Go honest...remember all the things you are awesome at this year!!